Jane Elledge
Party Secretary and Acting CLP Chair
Email: bromsgrovelabourparty@gmail.com
Global training and change executive with over 20 years experience & former Women’s officer. A party member for nearly 30 years

Sean Shannon
Vice Chair (Membership)
Email: bromsgrovelabourparty@gmail.com
A former councillor and long standing member of the CLP.
Naryan Singh
Youth Officer
Email: bromsgrovelabourparty@gmail.com
One of our bright young sparks currently studying for A Levels takes on the challenge of Youth officer

Esther Gray
Vice Chair (Environmental Co-Ordinator)
Email: bromsgrovelabourparty@gmail.com
Retired childcare professional & Unison member

Ros Cooke
International Affairs Coordinator
Email: bromsgrovelabourparty@gmail.com
Former councillor and long standing CLP officer

Dr Graeme Stewart
DIsability Officer
Email: bromsgrovelabourparty@gmail.com
NHS consultant

David Lingwood
Email: bromsgrovelabourparty@gmail.com
Former City/Faith liaison officer in Stoke-on-Trent

Jenny Smith
Policy Officer
Email: bromsgrovelabourparty@gmail.com

Phil Baker
Election Agent
Email: bromsgrovelabourparty@gmail.com
Election management

Peter McDonald
Union Liaison Officer
Email: bromsgrovelabourparty@gmail.com
Our District Councillor for Rubery North

Web site assistance
Website inquires & reporting issues