Memorial Mosaic

Statement from Cllr Peter McDonald:

“The pandemic put the installation of the Memorial Mosaic back almost a year. But I am so pleased it has now been installed and I was able to fund it from my Divisional Funds. It was unveiled by Sean Shannon who had worked there for over twenty Years.

It is a fitting tribute to all those all those thousands of workers who once worked on this site now an housing estate known as Cofton Fields, which was once known as the East Works.

The workers on the old site of the Rover made some of the best vehicles in the world and throughout the Second World War kept the RAF flying with the building of the Lancaster and Spitfire aeroplanes.

The Mosaic is a permanent reminder to us all and future generations to what were originally on the site and the jobs in provided for thousands in the area: giving them a reasonable standard of living. It housed some of the most highly skilled engineers in the world who designed and made some the most famous cars like the Mini, Westminster, Cambridge, Metro, just to name a few.”